Insane AshReynolds - The Lost Episode

Anybody heard of the YouTube channel, Insane AshReynolds? It has been going on since 2012 and is still making videos. Did you know there was a 'lost' video? It was entitled, "The Death of Nicolas." It starts off at Nicolas' room. The picture quality is very low, and there is a slight humming in the audio. Then, when it got inside Nicolas' room, he was sitting on his rocking chair, not moving a muscle.
It stays on this image for about a minute, until he got up and went down the stairs. After he got down the stairs, he enters the kitchen area where blood is splattered everywhere. The screen began to blur, so I could only make out really colorful blobs of light. When the quality went back, Nicolas was now tied to a chair. It wasn't his rocking chair, but a wooden chair that hasn't been seen in his videos before. There is a quiet hushed voice, as Nicolas was waking up.
"He's waking up"
"Then what should I do?"
"Beat the shit out of him!"
A hand is seen, tightly clutching a spiked bat. The hand begins to beat Nicolas in the head with the bat. All the while, blood splattering could be heard. When the bat hits Nicolas the last time, a loud ''CRACK! ''is heard and Nicolas' head slants down, lifelessly. Then, the video ends with a still frame of Nicolas' body in the wooden chair.
The video was only up for 23 seconds before it was removed by YouTube staff for "disturbing content." The video is only now viewable on smaller, lesser known torrent sites.